Host: Shiatsu Society Ireland
Date: and time: Thursday 30th September 2021 19.00 (BST)
Where: Live on Zoom
Register your interest via the Facebook event of the same name here
or contact Joanne Faulkner via email
My extensive experience working with the dying, grieving and those facing death as a Shiatsu therapist and teacher, facilitator led me to write Death and Loss in Shiatsu Practice which was published by Singing Dragon in 2020.
““Working With Death and Loss in Shiatsu Practice” is invaluable for students of Shiatsu as well as for experienced practitioners, whether they work with very sick and dying clients or not. They will benefit from this book’s deep insight into the nature of life, it’s deep challenges and it’s joy.” ”
During this evening event, I will examine the different ways that practitioners might encounter death and loss - including working in end-of-life care, with those facing terminal illness, affected by bereavement, suicide, or miscarriage.
Through sharing our own experiences and reflections we can better understand, empathise and engage with people facing loss, bereavement and death.
Working with Death and Loss in Shiatsu Practice is for practitioners wishing to improve their expertise and confidence when working with people at a vulnerable time in a respectful, open-hearted and compassionate manner.
You can learn more at