Walking in Rhythm a song by The Blackbyrds
‘It’s not easy if you’re wanting to understand it before the experience, the experience comes and then the understanding.’
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen on YouTube
Each of the five Organs, the Zhang-Fu in East Asian Medicine have a rhythm. The movement pattern of the Liver is different from that of the Kidney, which contrasts with the Heart. They, in turn, are all distinct from both the Lung and the Spleen. Getting into the groove of each one is a way of connecting with their Qi / Chi and understanding them more. What better way to find that song, but to walk* with them?
Summer walking, Portugal
In this experiential course you will be invited to connect with your Organs through the pulse of walking. By doing so, you will deepen your understanding of yourself, and if you work with clients, with them too. Who knows what you will find!
Previous participants’ feedback
“I loved this course because it gave me a new way of engaging with energies and my body at a time when shiatsu was not possible. The course has given me the confidence to be much more adventurous and creative both in my own development and how I work with clients.” BB
“It was particularly suitable for this Covid time of isolation” KL
“The course was gentle, deep and very moving. It was a beautiful punctuation in my week and guided my focus to exactly where it needed to be without feeling under pressure.” SB
“I notice and appreciate your great skills in participant reflection and empathy in the group which make it a much more creative flowing experience than many zooms I have been part of.” JM
Course Format
Seven, weekly Zoom meetings
Week 1 16 February 2021 Introduction
Week 2 23 February 2021 SP and ST
Week 3 2 March 2021 LU and LI
Week 4 9 March 2021 BL and KD
Week 5 16 March 2021 HT, SI, TH, HG
Week 6 23 March 2021 LV and GB
Week 7 30 March 2021 Diagnosis and Conclusion
In order to take this course, you must commit to walk between each session. Prepare to move outdoors (urban or rural), but if that’s impossible, inside will work too.
The course will require the use of your creativity, your body and the mediums of audio (Soundcloud) and Zoom.
Spring walking, Edinburgh
Who is the course for?
Open to anyone who is interested in East Asian medicine, and the rhythms of the Organs in particular.
* You can do this from a wheelchair or with ambulant disability, but not in a car, train or plane.
You do not need to have a prior understanding or knowledge of East Asian Medicine.
If you do, this course will deepen what you know and, more importantly, offer a way to an innate understanding.
Once connections of this sort have been made, they remain with you; when you return to your work and relationships, it will be there, informing you about the way the BodyMind works.
The course will be given in English.
Autumn walking
The focus is on your own experience of your walking rhythm and the relationship between that and your Organs. However, I will provide an audio of approximately 10 minutes as a guide before each walk, and word and image prompts in the form of a paper to read (pdf) which belongs to each session. This will contain some recommended reading.
It will be useful to have a blank exercise book or journal for recording your experiences - words or images - or you might prefer to use audio, video etc. I anticipate that we will share these via a private what’s app group.
Detail about the sessions - Introduction
We will meet and get to know each other on Zoom. I will introduce the course and you will be able to ask questions. We will prepare for the following week with some short, imaginative exercises.
Between each session, you will be tuning into a set of East Asian Medicine Organs and walking. The aim is to tap into the physical walking rhythm of each set of Organs, noticing your experience on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, and recording it. Duration of the experience: 1 hour +
Sessions 2 - 6
We will introduce ourselves to each other again, share our walking and Organ experiences and extrapolate, gathering common findings. There will be time for observations and comments and, at the end of each session, we will prepare for the next.
Session 7
The final meeting will follow a similar format. It will be a bringing together of all of our experiences throughout the course in order to look at the way we can diagnose ourselves and others through the rhythms of the Organs.
Please ensure that you follow the current Covid guidelines in your area to keep yourself and others safe.
Winter walking, Scotland
There are 10 places available on this course
Cost, dates and time
16 and 23 February; 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 March 2021
18.00-19.30 BST
10.00-11.30 PT
13.00-14.30 ET
20.00-21.30 Greece
Walking, Spain
To book on the course, please contact Tamsin Grainger shiatsu@ryoho.co.uk or shiatsu@ryoho.co.uk.
what’s app +44 (0) 7821 264 882