Film on Vimeo Free to Explore, Glasgow City of Walking by Tamsin Grainger
'I took a walk from Queens Street Station to Glasgow Green (where we collected with millions of others after walking the Pilgrimage for COP26 in 2021) for a Women's Heritage Walk.'
With thanks to Mary and the Glasgow Women's Library
St Thenue (Enoch) is the mother of St Mungo, patron saint of Glasgow. The mural of her on the gable of 374 Abercromby Street, Calton, Glasgow is by Mark Worst. More info.
On the morning of Tuesday 21 March 1911, 12 women went on strike at the Singer Manufacturing Company in Bridgeton, followed by 10,000 other women and men. This was a brave move against the international company (which also operated in Russia, the US and Germany) and brought the sewing machine plant to a standstill.…actory-strike-1911