This blog is about the different types of Yoga and lists classes in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was written over a year ago and so may be out of date. Please check websites or phone before going along, especially as some studios may be shut because of the Covid-19 situation.
Here is a list of yoga classes in Edinburgh by EH-numbers!There are several reasons why I have done this:
If you are like me, you will want to go to a class somewhere near your home or work so that you have more of an incentive to keep on going
You might be visiting Edinburgh for work or leisure and want to keep up your practice
You might be an air bnb host who would like to tell your guests about yoga in Edinburgh
So, I have put together a list of the ones I have been able to find out about. There are bound to be more, so let me know if you are not on the list and would like to be. Oh, and please share with your friends and guests if you think they will find it useful!
Santosa Yoga Studio, Edinburgh.
Isn't yoga wonderful! I have been practicing for years and still get so much out of it. My first classes were in Portobello because of a sore lower back and it worked. Later I went to sessions at what was then Next Generation (now David Lloyd) in Newhaven, to strengthen my pelvic floor. In reality I discovered a whole lot else besides, like how to breathe and where my core was (from the wonderful
) which was something I somehow never found through my dancing. Now I do yoga to keep flexible, strong and to support what I want to do in life: give Shiatsu and walk - there is always so much more to learn that I can't see myself ever stopping.
What is yoga?
I think everyone knows about yoga but just in case, here is a definition:
A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practised for health and relaxation. From the internet dictionary.
Recognised types of yoga:
Hatha Yoga: 'The regular practice of asanas, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques keeps the body supple and healthy. It has a profound effect on the circulation and on the functioning of the inner organs, glands and nerves. Many common ailments can be improved through the regular practice of yoga, and it is never too late in life to take it up.' from The Edinburgh Yoga Club
Hot Yoga: ' is a Hatha Yoga style class, practiced in a heated studio (33°C – 39°C) which is suitable for all levels. The heat allows your body to stretch more deeply and also increases the workout for your body, strengthening your muscles and focusing your mind.' from Hot Yoga Edinburgh
Ashtanga: 'Traditionally, Ashtanga yoga is a linear sequence, with students encouraged to master each asana or pose before they move on to the next. It was originally taught by Pattabhi Jois.' from The Yoga Room
Mysore 'Ashtanga Yoga Mysore classes are suitable for beginners as well as longtime practitioners because every student is taught individually. In other words, each student is given a one-on-one lesson within the classroom setting in order that he or she can progress through the Ashtanga Yoga series’ at their own pace and according to his or her individual needs. For these reasons it is a very effective and enjoyable way to properly learn Yoga. You do not have to keep up with anyone else. In the Mysore classroom no one else is watching you but the teacher, as other students are focused on their own personal practice.' from Sacred Heart Centre
Vinyasa Flow: 'These classes broadly follow a structure derived from the Ashtanga system and comprise of focus on the breath, sun salutations, varied standing sequences, seated postures, some challenge poses and back-bending & savasana. Each class is tailored within this structure to fit the needs of the students in that particular class and is fresh each time.' from Meadowlark Yoga
Power Yoga: 'Turn stress into sweat. This signature class strengthens, balances and detoxifies your entire body and mind as you move through Vinyasa Yoga postures that will fire up your core strength as you practice alignment, flow through demanding yoga sequences and build heat from within by connecting breath to movement. Set to an energizing playlist.' from Tribe Yoga
Iyengar: 'a carefully graded and systematic programme of asana (posture) from basics for beginners through to an advanced level. Pranayama (breath control) is gradually introduced once students have a firm foundation of yoga practice. Based on the methods and teaching of Yogacharya B K S Iyengar' from Iyengar Yoga Centre
Vipassana Meditation: 'For the first time I fully embodied the principle that pain in my body is a manifestation of emotional pain. When I no longer resisted my past, I literally felt the emotions I had been storing for decades as they left my body.' Winifred Lubell.
Sivananda Yoga: 'The Sivananda practice is a set sequence of yoga. It doesn’t flow in the same way as regular classes and involves more relaxation between postures giving more time to pause and experience. Practicing a set sequence can be really rewarding as it helps you see changes in your body and practice since you last did the sequence and practiced particular poses. It’s a fairly slow practice which is done mindfully. ' from Shine On YogaKundalini Yoga: 'it combines the therapeutic power of meditation and chanting whilst also providing as rigorous a physical workout as I want or need. I have found it to be the most accessible and powerful yoga.' from Luth YogaPranayama: 'the yoga of breathing' from Edinburgh Community YogaYin / Yoga Nidra: 'a deeply rejuvenating relaxation that brings balance to your whole body and mind, restorative postures to ease your muscles and soothing pranayama for the heart.' from Luna YogaAerial Yoga: 'Aerial Yoga is the practice of traditional Hatha yoga with a soft fabric hammock, supporting up to 1000 lbs, suspended a few feet off the ground. The hammock is a prop like a strap or block, intended to assist alignment, deepen awareness and provide the immediate benefit of spinal decompression. With the weight of the body partially or fully supported along with the help of gravity, we can explore and create space in our bodies as intended in traditional Yoga practice.' from Aerial Yoga EdinburghPregnancy and birth yoga - it's all in the name: 'Get to know and understand the changes your body is going through, connect with your baby in a relaxing series of postures that will also bring you so much needed strength, flexibility, courage and peace of mind.' from KnotStressed yogaYin Yang Yoga: 'a mixture of both Yin (longer held poses) and Yang (more active flowing poses). Designed to gently open the body up by working into the tissue that surrounds the muscles and joints in the Yin, aiding flexiblility and promoting gentle release. [The] more dynamic Yang practice compliment[s] this by strengthening the muscle groups in the Yin practice with playful flows.' from The Shanti CollectiveCommunity: 'We believe in social equality and work towards an inclusive world where each individual has access to and is empowered by doing yoga. We take the therapeutic benefits of yoga to communities in Edinburgh, ensuring access and inclusion, by working across the cultural, economic and health barriers that inhibit people from taking part.' from Edinburgh Community YogaBuddhist practice has associated with yoga through the centuries. Here is one from the Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.
EH3 wins the EH-league with 9 studios; EH7 comes in at a close second with 8!
Edinburgh Yoga Room Forth St EH1East Side Yoga Broughton St EH3 Opens late July 2018Hot Yoga EH3Edinburgh Yoga EH3Tribe EH3 Centre Yoga Tollcross EH3Calm on Canning Street Yoga EH3 (Beautiful looking website)Luna Yoga Meditation EH3 Bread St.Walk the Talk EH3Yoga for people with mobility issues Dumbrae EH4 and Glenogle EH3Yes Yoga (Birth) EH4Yoga's Got Hot EH4Soma EH4Shanti Collective Trinity Rd EH5 (hooray! - one I didn't know about near me)Yoga Leaf EH6Leith Yoga EH6KnotStressed EH6Sacred Heart Centre Rodney St EH7Tribe EH7Steadfast Yoga EH7The Edinburgh Yoga Club Meadowbank EH7Yoga Mix Beaverhall EH7Santosa Leith EH7 (much more than just yoga)Yoga Stable EH7 (the delightful Annamaria Sacco)B.E. Hot Yoga Edina Place EH7Yoga for You EH8Edinburgh Community Yoga at Beetroot Sauvage EH9 (the entrepreneurial Laura Wilson)Summerhall Yoga EH9Aerial Yoga Kilgraston EH9Luna Yoga Meditation EH10 MorningsideMeadowlark EH10 Edinburgh Iyengar Yoga Centre Bruntsfield EH10Sunshine Yoga (West) EH11Luth Healing EH12Tali’s Yoga EH25
Kids Yoga:
Too many for me to cover here but there's a Facebook group I found called 'Kids Yoga Teachers Edinburgh' with the sweetest quote: 'Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude'
Not in EH number order:
City Council classes tend to be in the areas where there are no yoga centres, perhaps nearer where you live but not in order, sorry. (enrol through the Council Adult Education)
Nelson Hall EH8 Power
Wester Hailes Education Centre EH14 Hatha
Pentland Community Centre EH13 Hatha
Craigroyston Community High School EH4 Over 50s
Cameron House Community Education Centre EH16 Hatha
Drummond Community High School EH7 Hatha
Leith Academy EH6 Hatha
Fort Community Wing EH6 Yoga Stretch and Tone
Portobello EH15 just called Yoga!
Leith Community Centre EH6 Iyengar
Craigentinny EH7 Ashtanga, Hatha
South Bridge resource Centre EH1 Hatha
Craigmount EH12 Hatha
Drummond EH7 Community School Hatha
Bruntsfield Primary School EH10 Hatha
Edinburgh Leisure run classes at all their swim centres and are all over the place
You will find that yoga classes are often offered alongside Shiatsu and other complementary therapies, Pilates, cycling etc.Yoga Alliance Professionals Beaverhall Road EH7. (a membership and accreditation body for yoga teachers and yoga teacher training courses)Top 5 Vinyasa classes blog (B Yoga, Yoga Beat, Yoga Folk, Soul Shine Yoga, Julie Smeaton Yoga) Also Hot Yoga
If you have some yoga photos you would like to share I would appreciate them. See email address below. I would, of course, include details of who took it etc.This is a disclaimer - from my experience, this list is likely to go out-of-date very soon with some people opening up new studios (Tribe, for example, who seem to be so successful they are taking over the city!) and others falling by the wayside or closing for good reason. If you know of any, please do tell me via this