Following a treatment, there can be a feeling of increased vitality and you may find that you feel invigorated, yet relaxed. You may have a reaction to the treatment, but research shows that people usually return for a second visit if this happens. It can be
an old symptom returning for the last time
a 'healing crisis' like a cold or temporary sickness to allow the body to release toxins
a state which encourages the receiver to do what is needed, for example to rest.
Three stages of reaction
There are three stages of reaction to a Shiatsu session:
The way you feel immediately after the session,
How you are during the next 24-48 hours
A longer term response (this is the one many people miss)
New symptoms which appear during the 24-48 hours following the session are likely to be related to it. All Shiatsu practitioners are happy for you to contact them afterwards if you have any queries or concerns. They will listen to you and offer suggestions if necessary.
Guidelines for receiving Shiatsu
Please bring or wear loose, warm, comfortable clothing, preferably cotton e.g. sweatshirt, tracksuit trousers and cotton socks.
Do not eat too much in the two hours prior to treatment.
Do not drink alcohol before or after treatment.
After treatment drink plenty of water to smooth the flow of changes through the system.
It is best to avoid strenuous or stressful activities after your session.
Did you know?
A sleep after Shiatsu is three times more beneficial than 'ordinary' sleep.