Online Supervision and Workshop for body and mind practitioners

How the Shiatsu practitioner adapts to the ever-changing world

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This class is offered to participants from all over the world as part of an international exchange, and has been organised by Panayiota Giannino.

In the first part, we will exchange our experiences of how we have been managing the Covid-19 virus, personally and professionally, and how we are feeling about Shiatsu at this coronavirus time.

We will ask each other how this has affected our work and our sense of ourselves as Shiatsu practitioners and we will discuss issues which arise in a safe and held space.

In the second half, we will consider 2 or 3 specific case studies to promote our learning and understanding.

You are invited to submit one case study / example of your work with a client from the last 12 months. If yours is chosen, you will have the opportunity to discuss it with Tamsin, to ask questions and look for information about what is happening and how to proceed. The other participants will be listening and invited to contribute. The group presence will enable insights and greater understanding to emerge.

You will learn:

·       More about working with client symptoms and diagnosis

·       More about the client-practitioner relationship

·       More about yourself as a practitioner

This will be designated as continuing professional development (CPD).

Online. Saturday 30 January 2021, 17.00-20.00 (Greek), 15.00-18.00 (GMT).

Boundaries and touch when working with clients who are grieving - for mind and body therapists

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Working with clear boundaries is vital with all our clients, and especially with those who are grieving. We all know about grief – whether small, everyday sadness, or the bereavement after someone we love has died – and we require regular self-reflection to keep up with it, to know how we are. If we do not have the support to do this, we are sometimes unsure about when our feelings leak into theirs and vice versa. We never know when someone’s grief will come up, or when it is the cause behind a current topic, we rarely get any warning of that. Being compassionate is also of great importance in our work, but there is a difference between opening our hearts to another and being affected by them to the extent that we cannot distinguish between us two, gain valuable diagnostic information, and be professional.

In this online workshop, we will use touch, breath, sound and the imagination to establish good practice for our work with ourselves, and boundary setting when working with grieving clients.

You will learn:

·       practical exercises (which can be used in the future) for keeping in touch with your feelings of grief - how to identify them, where they are physically located, and how to record them for self-development

·       ways to embody your grief through touch – a somatic connection for a felt-sense of your grief, and then how to stay with it and build resilience

·       You will be able to adapt some of these skills for use with students and clients, and we will keep this in mind during the workshop

Sunday 31 January 2021 17.00-20.00 (Greek), 15.00-18.00 (GMT).

To book , please contact ki SYNERGY

Panagiota Polychroni-Giannino